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Stone House by RP Mickelson (Ebook)

Stone House by RP Mickelson (Ebook)

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"With that, Analee moved onto the ship and only turned back once she was standing beside her fiancé, holding him tightly. The colourful paper ribbons tied between ship and shore began to break away as Analee and Jacob waved wildly at their disappearing family members. Slowly, ever so slowly, the vessel left the side of Pier #7 and was sea-born. Her engine gently pulled her out into the coldness of the Atlantic. There was definitely a crispness in the air. A brisk wind was brushing against Analee as she watched her kin become smaller and smaller. Soon they disappeared altogether, and she was left standing with a feeling of heaviness and dread. It would have been worse if she’d known then that she’d never see her mother again. “My heart is broken, Jacob.”" Thus begin the adventures of Stone House. RP Mickelson’s novel of Norwegian homesteaders in the Canadian prairies is a warm and well-researched tale of ancestors long passed and the country they helped build.

ISBN 978-1-927848-44-9 
Version 1 | ID 4dqevn
Created: Mar 11, 2021
Modified: May 12, 2021

EPUB Ebook

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