Our Services and Fees
How Can We Help Get You Published?
1. START HERE: (show us your work - connect in one or more ways)
Initial Enquiry Consultation - (30 min Zoom call) - See Book Appointment in website Navigation bar. FREE
Respond to our call for submissions: Submissions of completed book manuscripts (final professional edit) in an electronic format (ie Word .docx) are accepted for consideration. We may offer a publication agreement or assist with piece work for your self-publishing adventure. Short stories, essays (1500 words or more) and poetry (40 words or more) are purchased for anthologies with varied themes upon acceptance. Attach your submission to an email which includes a brief (100 word max) summary of the concept of the work. Adult fiction, non-fiction and poetry. Youth/Young Adult fiction or non-fiction. Not accepting children's picture books currently. Email to manuscripts@filidhbooks.com
Manuscript (book) Review - $40 provides a detailed editorial assessment of a completed written draft, both the strengths and the areas for revisions, and a recommendation regarding the level of Editing to achieve a "publishable" writing quality. Please note that this review does not entail editing the book. Instead, we're evaluating the manuscript. The benefit of this manuscript review assessment is that we recommend the most appropriate editing level for the book and credit this fee to any future work. This gives you a sense of our work and us a feel for your project.
2. NEXT YOU MAY WANT: (one or more of the following to prepare for publication and marketing of your work)
Developmental Editing - $50 per every 5,000 words - closely examines the structure and logical flow of the book, making sure that each chapter is relevant to the book and in the correct order, that each section or scene within each chapter leads nicely into the next, and that the reader is guided easily along from paragraph to paragraph. The editor focuses on the structure and often includes many comments and questions in the margins, may recommend moving large sections of text around, adding headings or dividers between sections or scenes, deleting sentences and paragraphs, and requesting additional explanations throughout the manuscript.
Copy Editing - $50 per every 5,000 words. The editor ensures that the paragraphs and sentences read consistently and smoothly in the author's unique voice. Sometimes referred to as "line editing," this phase assumes that the book's structure is intact at this point and does not include any "big picture" suggestions. Instead, each sentence is reviewed for variety, fluidity, word choice, repetition, and clarity in a way that's both polished and authentic to the author's voice. The editor rewords sentences, substitutes suggested words or phrases, inserts commas and punctuation, recommends consistent style choices, and requests additional clarifications throughout the manuscript.
Book Cover Design. $30 - $50 per hour Depending on project and/or design of related promotional items.
Formatting of the manuscript for print and/or eBook. $20 per hour. Included in a publication agreement for no fee.
Proofreading final manuscript. $25 per hour - looks specifically at punctuation, spelling, grammar, and internal consistency. If a word is capitalized or italicized in Chapter 3, that same word should appear exactly the same later in Chapter 9, for instance. If the book uses references, the editor ensures that all references are formatted consistently. If the book uses any headings or dividers, those are consistently applied throughout the book. A good proofread sets up for a seamless, professional quality design of the manuscript as a print file. Included in a publication agreement for no fee.
3. AND FINALLY...(getting your work to your readers)
Follow-up Author Consultation - (90 min Zoom call) - $25 - See Book Appointment above - Mentoring: Networking assistance for authors to illustrators, editors and other resources to complete and promote their work and themselves—discussion of processes and review of projects.
Publication of book(s) under Filidh Publication Corp., Filidh Books imprints. Includes ISBN assignment and logo placement. Copyright remains with the author. $10 upon approval Included in a publication agreement for no fee.
Beta Readers. Gratuity preferred. Depends on availability. Provides brief written feedback.
Retail sale of books published by Filidh Publishing at various events and assistance to find events to sign, sell and promote the book and the author. Author receives 10% of retail sales. 25% of ebook sales.
Wholesale Sales of books published by Filidh Publishing online and to retail outlets via distribution partners at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Lulu, ibookstore, Nook, itunes, Kindle, Kobo. Author receives 5% of wholesale sales.
Retail sales of books not published by Filidh Publishing at our various conference vendors' booths and via our website. We charge 40% of the retail price.
DISCLAIMER - We reserve the right to refuse to publish any work submitted as it must meet our quality and potential sales standards. Authors may purchase copies of their book at an author's discount to sell or give away. We do not advance editorial or art design fees, pay travel, or otherwise subsidize authors. We will assist you in promoting yourself within your travel time restrictions and budget. Writing the book is the easy part. The work really begins once you are published. We are pleased to help you on your journey.