Sharing Our Journeys 2 (Queer BIPOC Elders Tell Their Stories)
Sharing Our Journeys 2 (Queer BIPOC Elders Tell Their Stories)
Sequel anthology to Sharing Our Journeys: Queer Elders Tell Their Stories. Queer BIPOC Elders Tell Their Stories is a volume of essays from authors who speak of the pain and ridicule of being different, courage in the face of ostracism, same-sex love and transitioning genders when and where they were illegal from a perspective of various BIPOC communities. "The success of community building begins with drawing one another into participation through connection and conversation. Let Sharing Our Journeys 2 be an important conversation-starter, as we work together to co-create communities of loving inclusion." - Neil Fernyhough Contributing Authors: Agustin Restrepo, CJ Jackman-Zigante. Cornell Thomas, Gloria Jackson-Nefertiti, Jayantha Withanage, Oscar Hall and Shinji Kasama