Collection: Last Call for Submissions
Filidh Publishing Corp is commemorating two decades of producing exceptional literature from authors based in Canada and around the world. Our aim is to release 20 individual or collaborative book projects and a special 20th Anniversary Anthology comprising short stories, essays, and poetry. We will close this process on August 30, 2023.
Book Projects: We are actively seeking diverse and inclusive book manuscripts that offer a fresh perspective on one or more of the following aspects: genre, plot or topic, characters, culture or traditions, illustrations or photography, or the author/artist themselves. Our interest extends to adult fiction, non-fiction, and poetry, as well as youth/young adult fiction or non-fiction. Furthermore, we warmly welcome submissions of children's books. To submit your work, please provide a complete and final edited manuscript in either a Word document or PDF format attached to an email. Ensure the subject line of the email reads "manuscript." To send your submission, click here to Send Email
Anthology Project, we are inviting submissions of diverse and inclusive short stories, essays (with a minimum of 1500 words), or poetry ( minimum of 40 words) that offer a fresh perspective on one or more of the following aspects: genre, plot or topic, characters, culture or traditions, or the author themselves. No children's genre accepted for this project. Attach your PDF or Word document format submission to an email with the subject line "anthology." click here to Send Email
WE PAY YOU.....(not a vanity press)
Our Multi-author Anthologies– all royalties go to a specific charity – mutual marketing – building a fan base – $50 CDN now paid for accepted submissions, one copy free of the anthology (approx. $20 CDN retail value) and an authors' discount access for any you buy. The book has a global distribution, with author bios on our website and in the book. The anthology is for sale on our website and via the charity as well. See anthologies in our complete catalogue.
Accepted Book Manuscripts – We now pay author royalties based on the retail list price as per the Canadian industry standard. (10% softcover, 25% ebook/audiobook) and our contract includes formatting a manuscript for print and/or ebook, publication including our label and ISBN. Does not include editing or cover design. No fees for these services and Author royalties are paid to you on every book sold—global sales to Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Ingram and various ebook distributions. In addition, we will arrange author readings and sales opportunities with you and list your book on our website and a bio page for you. (We will also promote links to books you have published elsewhere on our website.) Book Launch events and marketing beyond our website and standard events can be mentored; your participation will determine sales. A proof copy is free; you may purchase copies at an authors' discount.
See Services to Help You Get Published for other assistance with your project.