Collection: Emerging Local Authors Award Winners

Filidh Publishing is proud to announce the selection of another of our titles by the Greater Victoria Public Library Emerging Local Authors Collection. (2023 edition to be unveiled soon)

Congrats to .

**The Class Menagerie:  The First Week (by Zoe Duff)

Selected Winners in Previous Years: 

** Stone House (by RP Mickelson)
** Ex Animo (by Ron Kearse)
** Road Without End (by Ron Kearse)
** Lost History (by Ron Kearse)
** UnTethered (by Zoe Duff)
** The Class Menagerie: Kaida of Fyrefly Hearth (by Zoe Duff)
** Dreaming Gods of Gaia (by Cherokee Freechild) 

** The UnValentine Anthology (by AB King, Brianna Kempe, Jessie Blair, Katie Horricks-King, Kelly Duff, Kristoffer Law, Monique Jacob, Pam Desjardine, Peninah Rost, Ron Kearse, S.M.King, Thomas Keesman, Vince Galati and Zoe Duff)
** Blood Moon Rising Anthology (by AB King, Astra Crompton, Brianna Kempe, Janilee Porter-Hirsche, Jessie Blair, Kenton Moore, Monique Jacob, Ron Kearse, Scott R.M. Duff, Thomas Keesman and Zoe Duff)
** Anthology for a Green Planet (by Astra Crompton, Gordon Henderson, Jessie Blair, Josh MacLeod, Monique Jacob, Vince Galati, Werner Roberts and Zoe Duff) 

** Love Alternatively Expressed (by Zoe Duff)) 

** The Class Menagerie:  Emerson's Flight (by Zoe Duff ) 

** Beyond Life  (by Victoria Helmink)   

** Star Bright (by Sheila Tracey)

** Bright Light (by Monique Jacob)

** The Jagged Tree (by Kristoffer Law) (out of print)